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High School Tryouts

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The Beautiful Game / School of Soccer

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2024/2025 Tryout information

RETURNING players do not need to tryout unless directed by the player's coach.

Tryouts are for players who did not participate in kickaround sessions

and/or for players who were not placed on a specific team.

Welcome to United STL Academy FC

United St. Louis Academy FC is the newest premiere St. Louis soccer club located in Eureka, Missouri. The goal of our club is to embrace the historical presence of soccer in our community, and to promote the healthy development of youth of every ethnicity, education and economic background.

Eureka Soccer Complex

All United STL Academy practice sessions are held at Eureka Soccer Complex located in Eureka, Missouri at the southeast corner of Williams Road and highway 44. The park is composed initially of two brand-new pristine turf fields provided by RAM Turf and has plans for up to 4 more turf fields.